Infomercials have given us yet another great innovative product for use by the whole family, yes including our pet children. Magic Mesh is an affordable mesh screening product, which gives individuals the freedom to enjoy fresh air and to make your way from inside the home to the outdoors, hands free. Magic Mesh screen doors open quickly and magically snaps closed behind you because of its 18 magnets, which are well placed along its side. Magic Mesh has received accolades from consumers who have used it in their homes, recreational vehicles, campers, motor homes, corporate office balconies and apartment balconies. Magic Mesh helps keep bugs out because of the strong magnets built into the screen doors. We know how much fun magnets are, by using them on our kitchen appliances like a stove and refrigerator. Magnets have natural magnetic fields which attract iron, steel and nickel and each other. There are two opposite poles in magnets, a north pole and a south pole and if they are placed opposite each other, they will attract.
Magic Mesh is a DIY installation product, which can be installed inside or outside of a door frame, a sliding door or various types of recreational vehicles. Tools are not required to install the Magic Mesh screen curtain-like doors, since its well placed Velcro strips, adhere in place until you decide to remove it. Two quality thin silk threads are what the mesh screens are made of which also allows Magic Mesh to be more sound proof than a standard screen door. It is very durable, for continued use every day and has been tested and proven to last for years. Children, pets, even senior citizens in a wheel chair, can go through the mesh screen doors effortlessly, while it closes immediately behind them. No more, opening and closing the traditional screen doors while your pet goes to and fro. This curtain like screen door does not have any door handles, instead you simply walk through it, where the Magic Mesh opens right in the middle. Depending upon where you live, the Magic Mesh screen doors can remain installed year round. But if you want to take it down to store away, it is as easy as pulling the fastening tapes, off the door way frames and rolling it up. Electrical bills are lower, simply because you don’t necessarily need to run the air conditioner in the summer season. The Magic Mesh lets cool air in for better circulation and ventilation, wherever it is used and it keeps those pesky bugs out.
I was looking for a product like Magic Mesh since a long as I have two kids, one pet & one senior citizen in a wheel chair, they can go through the mesh screen doors effortlessly, while it closes immediately behind them. No more, opening and closing the traditional screen doors while my pet goes to and fro.
In fact, I’ll get all the facilities in one Magic Mesh. Simply awesome! Thanks.