During those special outdoor moments, Magic Mesh could be the perfect solution to avoiding regretful or embarrassing moments. This is because of how Magic Mesh door covers work. They eliminate the need to open and close doors, especially with occupied hands. They act like screen doors with hands-free operation.
It is the perfect day for inviting the in-laws over; at least, that appears to be the case. So out come the picnic tables and the barbeque grill with hot coals, ready for the chicken and ribs. Oh, and don’t forget the hot dogs, hamburgers, bread buns, and condiments! Of course, the day will not be complete without lots of cool drinks to frolic and have fun. The timing is right, the tables are set, and the guests have arrived. Then, out of nowhere appear more uninvited guests than the host and hostess can count. Unfortunately, the uninvited guests are flies.
Scenario two
It is Friends Camping Night Out. Everyone is looking forward to this time because there will be lots of great food and more than enough to drink. The music will suit everyone’s taste, and, who knows, they may even dance the night away. However, in all of the preparation, no one thought about the mosquitoes that were waiting in tow. Now, the well-planned camping night could be a disaster.
Scenario three
Pets are like members of the family. They enter and leave through the backdoor like other family members, so provision must be made for them. However, due to the busyness of the day, little doggie is left locked inside the house. Unfortunately, he is not able to reach up and grab the lock to open the screen door. So all he can do is sit and wait until someone arrives.
The Solution
Magic Mesh was designed and manufactured with moments like the above scenarios in mind. The curtain-like mesh has eighteen powerful magnets that are strategically aligned. The magnet placement makes it easy to enter and exit a room, even with a handful, because they open and close automatically. So instead of a person focusing on remembering to close a door, he/she can focus on enjoying the moment. The curtains are designed to allow air in, while keeping annoying bugs out. So whether it is at a family outdoor gathering, a camping trip, or simply considering the pets, Magic Mesh works like pure magic.
i have a question for you. Does Magic Mesh tear as easily as a screen and if it does, is it repairable? The reason I ask this is because I have a toddler that always pushes on the screens which, in turn, tears them.